Uploading Documents
CloseBot allows you to load library items that any or all of your bots can use! The first step is uploading your items in the Knowledge Storage area of your account. Keep in mind, not all uploads are created equal!
Using Uploads
The fun isn't over yet. Once you upload resources, you have to assign these items to your bots. Do this by going into Modify Bot, selecting your bot, then click on the Knowledge tab. Once you're there, you'll see your uploads! Select any uploads that you want the bot to have access to and don't forget to SAVE.
It's set up this way in case you have bots that need access to different items π€
Best Practices
When you're assigning items to bots, more isn't always better. Learn more about different types of uploads here and reasons why you may want to use (or avoid) each of them.
Web Scraping
Many people jump at the opportunity to start scraping documents. While Web scraping is convenient, there is often a lot of garbage included in the result. Side bar info, headers, footers, invisible code... all of this gets saved into your library entry. When the bot is looking for applicable information, you risk the AI pulling in irrelevant information and messing up its response π This is a use-with-caution feature.
Keep in mind, the AI can only scrape actual websites... putting in a Google Doc link or some other kind of magic link will not work.
Document Uploads
You may have formatted documents that you want to upload for your bots to reference. Keep in mind that this can still introduce some of the noise that we explained in the Web Scraping section
PDF - PDFs can be especially troublesome if they have strange formatting behind the scenes
DOC and DOCX - These files are made by saving a word file and are formatted better than PDFs
TXT - This is a reliable what you see is what you get document type that leaves little room for error
CSV - This too can be a reliable way to upload information, especially a list of Q&A or links, just remember to name the headers in a helpful (descriptive) way so the AI knows what your columns mean.
Keep in mind, bot bot will only know the contents of the documents, it won't know the document title. So you will not be able to reference documents within your bot settings.
Text Input
This is going to be the most reliable, but also the most cumbersome way of saving a library item. This automatically converts the file to a bot-friendly .txt file without formatting errors.
Remember, bots like organized documents just like us humans! Remember your elementary school days and use paragraphs, line breaks, lists, etc. to make everything clear.