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Setting Up Multiple Bots Within the Same Account
Setting Up Multiple Bots Within the Same Account

How to set up multiple bots in a single CRM account

Max Pattillo avatar
Written by Max Pattillo
Updated over a week ago

Sweet, you have a CloseBot account with multiple bots! Now you need to know how to tie multiple bots into the same CRM account. You're in the right place 😎

Create an Additional Bot

First we want to create another bot. All subscriptions above Basic have the ability to do this. You can click the add sign or copy to create more bots. Under Label, give your bot a clear label for our routing purposes later.

Create your Objectives

Now that we have multiple bots we will create our objectives. One of your bots will be your default bot. The default bot will be the bot our leads engage with first and based on our objectives, will trigger when and where we pass off to our other bot(s).

In this case, the first bot is determining what type of service @lead_name wants and updating our field What type of service when that objective is complete. Later we will set up a workflow to look at the value of that field and route to a new bot accordingly.

Modify the Process Message Workflow

Now that we have our default bot set up, lets go into our Process Message Workflow. After this workflow has determined the bot is On we will add a condition.

CRM ➡️ Automations ➡️ CloseBot folder workflows ➡️ Process Message

Our first branch will route to our plumbing bot when our custom field What type of service is Plumbing. You could add other branches to account for the other fields you want routed to other bots but for this example I'm just going to route to my Plumbing bot. Keep in mind that you can make your bots update these fields for you so it's the first bot that's updating the field to route to the new bot!

Now we have the Plumbing Bot branch and our None branch. This none branch is our default bot. We need to copy our webhook over to that None branch. I Copy All Actions From Here to make sure my follow ups are still in place for this webhook.

Now I will click on my Plumber webhook and Add another item. The key will be bot and the value will be the bot number I want for this branch.

I will do the same for my None branch, this time adding the bot number for my default bot. My lead will interact with my Q&A(default bot) unless it mentions Plumbing as its type of service.

Connect Additional Bot

Similar to how you connected your first bot to CRM, go into:

CloseBot ➡️ Modify Bot ➡️ General and click to link a CRM account

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