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CloseBot Tags

Learn more about the tags that come get added to your account when you connect to CloseBot with LeadConnector

Bryce DeCora avatar
Written by Bryce DeCora
Updated over a week ago

Your CloseBot snapshot comes equipped with some super helpful tags that will automatically be added to your account after you connect to CloseBot. Learn more about how to toggle these on and off and ideas on how to use them to your advantage here!


Tags are auto-added in a few different scenarios (unless you've turned them off in your bot settings). There is also a tag you can use here to shut your bot off.

ai off

By default your bot is going to be on once you publish your Set Last Communication Type workflow. At any point you want your bot off you can add the tag AI Off in a workflow or to specific contacts you don't want the bot to interact with.

ai objectives complete

You can have the AI inform you by adding this tag when all objectives in your list of objectives have been completed. Use this to trigger anything you want to happen when your bot has qualified your lead per your objectives

ai responded

This tag is added any time the AI has successfully responded. You can use this to trigger any action you want within your system every time the AI responds to a contact. An idea would be to increment a counter and remove the tag to prepare for the next reply as a way to track the total number of contact responses happening per contact or per sub-account.

ai aggression detected

If you have the Aggression Detection enabled, this tag will be added to a contact when the bot is auto-disabled due to detected aggression. At this point you may want to notify the business owner about the upset contact.

ai booked appointment

This is always on, but it's super helpful! It tags a contact when the AI is the one who booked the appointment for that contact.

ai booking error

If the AI has a hard time booking an appointment for some reason, this tag will get added on the contact. This is a great time to also trigger a notification to the business owner and/or turn the AI Off using the ai off tag and jump in to finish the booking with a human.

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