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Objective Order

Find out more about moving objectives around and how objective order is determined

Max Pattillo avatar
Written by Max Pattillo
Updated over 5 months ago

You'll notice priority levels within the Objective Section. CloseBot will move sequentially through these priority levels to accomplish objectives, but any objectives that have tied priority will be attacked in the conversational order that makes the most sense based on the conversation up to that point.

For example, in this image we can see the bot will always determine timeline first, then decide whether to move onto "motivation" or "condition" next.

NOTE: Vertical order does not matter. Objectives in the same priority leave the AI to decide which one it moves onto next depending on how the conversation has gone up to that point.

Imagine the conversation about timeline went like this:

AI: Happy to see you're giving us a shot at being the buyer for your place. Mind if I ask when you're hoping to have the sale done?

Lead: As soon as possible, can't stand living in this mess anymore.

The lead already mentioned something relating to the property condition here, so the bot will likely move on to gathering details about the property condition before moving on to motivation.

Finally, the bot will complete the Give Info objective to reassure the contact.

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