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Types of Objectives

There are two types of objectives: Give Info and Get Info. Learn how they operate here

Bryce DeCora avatar
Written by Bryce DeCora
Updated over a week ago

There are Give Info objectives and Get Info objectives. Give info objectives should be used when you want the AI to give information to the contact at that stage. The AI will do this once and then move on to the next objective. Get info objectives are used when you want the AI to guide the conversation to gather information from the contact. It will stay on this objective until it reaches your set Max Retry Limit or completes the objective.

Get Info

Get Info objectives display as purple and allow you to also set their sensitivity and max attempts as well as point at contact fields that you would like to be updated upon completion.

Give Info

Give Info objectives look at the conversation up to that point and then give information to the contact conversationally as specified in the short description. These objectives show up as green for easy identification.

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